Acent Roadmap 2.0
A. Project Accomplishments as of 2022
- Acent Webwallet Launch
- Osiris iOS Release
- Acent POSA(Proof of Staked Authority) Testnet Launch
- Acent Crypto Engine SSO Beta Deployment
- Acent Dappstore Desktop Application Interface POC
- dAppstore Web App Integration into Acent Windows, iOS, and Android
- Acent Crypto Engine Multiplayer Gaming Engine Integration with Dapp Arcade Beta Build
- Your Earth DAO dApp Acent Crypto Engine SSO Integration
- Acent POSA (Proof of Stake Authority) Smart Contract Deployment for DeFi on testnet
- Wonderwallet Multi Crypto Support
- Acent POSA (Proof of Stake Authority) Testnet Launch
- Acent Desktop Application Interface Gaming Module POC
- Acent Mainnet Ownership Distribution Mining Protocol Launch
- Acent Desktop application Interface Alpha crypto gaming engine
- Acent Crypto Engine SSO Rewards System Production Deployment
- Acent POSA (Proof of Stake Authority) (Beta) Testnet Launch
- Unreal Engine 5 Integration Into Acent Desktop Application Interface For the Acent Browser
- COBA meta-application public arena multiplayer POC
- Metaweb OS POC
- Acent Crypto Engine Integration with Acent Desktop Application Interface
- Acent Play-to-Earn Developer Program Alpha Tester Architecture POC
- Play-to-Earn Developer API services Alpha test
- YED SSO integration
- Unreal Engine 5 Integration into Your Earth DAO Staging Environment
- DAPPX functionality expansion to “Steam”-like application management Alpha test
- COBA meta-application public arena multiplayer Staging Showcase
- Acent Swap Liquidity Pool and farming functionality Alpha test
- Your Earth DAO web application land sale module release
- YED integration with 1 to 1
- COBA multiplayer ready-player-one style matchmaking area SAT demo
- Acent pledging for EDAO distribution POC
- Metahomes NFT Alpha SAT
- Acent 2.0 tokenomics EDAO and UBI pool architecture POC
- Metaweb OS YED VR feature POC and SAT
- Metaweb OS dedicated server integration with YED public-metaspace POC
- DAPPX meta-application installation module SAT build
- COBA zone YED public space showcase integration
- COBA battle arena integration
- DAPPX meta-application execution module SAT build
- DAPPX to metaweb OS wallet authentication protocol POC
- Acent Scan testnet integration
- Acent Scan release
- Meta-citizen NFT Alpha SAT
- YED public metaspace NFT land sales module SAT
- Metaweb OS Unreal Engine 5 integration SAT Certified
B. Acent Roadmap 2.0

C. YED Metaweb Phases
Below is a brief explanation of the YED metaweb phases:
- YED Phase 1 PLEDGING PHASE (2022, Q3) – this is the stage at which new territories are launched for a specified period and EDAO token holders begin to benefit from the UBI pools as Acent pledging takes off. These spots of land are tradable in the NFT marketplace. Users will have the option to buy their NFT spots within the Acent Metaweb OS. Due to the imminent release of our metaweb OS, we will not disclose any details about this innovative product. Simply, we will launch this earlier than anticipated. Land spot sales will be initiated not by the conventional web 2.0 browser architecture but by the metaweb OS. The metaweb OS will introduce initial builds of meta-apps such as COBA and other play-to-earn-based applications. Third-party developer companies are encouraged to start joining the Acent alpha developer program and incubate their businesses by implementing DAO structures to fund and deploy their immersive applications on the metaweb. This will be available as soon as the Alpha tester metaweb OS rolls out initially.

- YED Phase 2 OPEN SPACE PHASE (Q4, 2022) – In this phase, users may use a VR headset to enjoy the metaverse environment. They may also opt to install an application through the DAPPX service in the Acent Web 3.0 (Osiris Web 3.0) browser that allows users to explore the open-world metaverse application using their PC or laptop.
Users will also be able to import and post NFTs they bought from other NFT marketplaces like OpenSea in order to curate their virtual space.
Due to our team’s current accelerated development speed, deployment of large-scale meta-apps can begin much sooner than anticipated. Users are encouraged to subscribe to YED community updates to gain an early invitation to join the alpha tester program for developers and gain early influence on the new web.

- YED Phase 3 METACOMMERCE (Q2, 2023) – In this interactive phase, users will be able to import, create, or build digital assets in their NFT land by purchasing building materials or by planting a Pylon that creates meta-resources. Metacommerce phase is a concept where users can import their 3D digital assets into the YED, convert them into NFTs, and sell them to other users inside the metaverse. It could be 3D assets like bricks or 3D scan models of NFT characters.
Users can practically sell anything in the metaverse, thus giving them a wide range of options to develop their land. Users can make them more beautiful, more interesting, more colorful, and more engaging, thus increasing the value of the virtual land.

- YED Phase 4 META-APPLICATION (Q4, 2023) – In this phase, users import engaging applications to attract more visitors and foot traffic to the virtual land. This may include interactive games, portals, transportation, and other services. Every foot of traffic generated in NFT land will be tracked by an algorithm, which will compute the corresponding rewards.

At this stage, a special module will be released to create boundless space inside the NFT houses. Users can have a little house but could have a free space inside like the size of a football field.
The meta-application stage would be hyper-realistic in that users would be able to perform a live broadcast in their virtual lands and have people watch as if they were sitting right in front of them. Haptic suits will also be tested at this stage.
- YED Phase 5 META-SOCIO (Q1, 2024) – Meta-socio-phase is defined as the extrinsic and intrinsic exchange between the real and virtual worlds, and vice versa.
In this phase, digital commerce will extend beyond the YED metaverse. You can place an order for a specific device or item in the YED metaverse, and it will be delivered straight to your home in the real world. News from the virtual world is also a trend in the real world.
At this moment, the decentralized internet will have matured to a level that no metaverse company to this date has ever achieved. Web 3.0 is the next generation of the internet. It would enable a smooth transition between virtual reality and the virtual world, which would fuel the meta-socio phase of this metaverse project. YED’s dedicated browser, by that time, would be able to handle augmented reality (AR) glasses as well as other applications like holograms.