6. Meta-Application Publishing
Meta-applications are large-scale apps that include social media platforms, high-end games, and CDN (Content Delivery Network) services developed by anyone who wants to build a business on the metaweb.
Each meta-application or meta-business of Acent requires its own distinct MRL site address for the public to teleport to and gain access to. An MRL, or Metaservice Resource Locator, is a parallel version of the current URLs, or Uniform Resource Locators, but with XYZ axis location information to allow users to locate them in the metaverse.
The MRL will eventually supplant the current mode of browsing, which directs users to a static, two-dimensional website. In a decentralized gamified web, accessing an MRL site would require the user’s avatar to physically enter the digital store or simulate a first-person perspective experience of immersing into the spatial content through VR functionality, rather than being directed to a magazine-format website address within a flat-screen based browser.
Users may expect to see virtual stores and blockchain-based digital structures at various MRL locations throughout the Acent metaweb. Additionally, they will be able to purchase NFT and physical goods in MRLs. In this way, the meta-application developed by Acent will provide an authentic gamified web experience.The Acent blockchain-rendered metaweb is critical in the meta-application publishing process. This is a trend-shifting moment because developers won’t need to deal with complex and high-risk smart contract deployment tools to build high-quality P2E apps. Small teams with moderate training in easy-to-use tools such as Unreal Engine can build play-to-earn applications on the metaweb. Join the Acent Alpha Tester developer program to learn more. Details will be made available in the community updates.