8. Freedom to create and trade meta-assets and meta-commodities
- Meta-assets
YED meta-assets are NFT assets created within the YED ecosystem that can be imported from the YED ecosystem and sold on a third-party NFT marketplace such as Opensea.io. This may consist of, but is not limited to the following:
- NFT real estates such as metahomes or NFT digital houses;
- NFT vehicles, such as cars and spaceships;
- wearable, skins, and avatar;
- crypto arts;
- resource mining assets such as the unique pylon NFTs; and
- other digital infrastructure.
Each of these assets is backed up by a smart contract that can be stored in a digital or crypto wallet.
- Meta-resources and commodities
Meta-resources and commodities are digital raw materials in the YED representing the physical resources of the real world. Meta-resources can be mined inside a spot of YED land through Pylons. Each meta-resource can also be traded or sold on an NFT marketplace.
Pylons are utility NFTs that enable users to farm raw materials or meta-resources. A Pylon itself is also tradeable. To produce meta-resources, Pylons need to be planted in the YED land. Only one Pylon is allowed per spot of land.
Mining would take place within 24 hours of the planting of the Pylon. More Pylon types will be developed to represent various resources in the real world. Users may read the article on starting a metaverse building business with pylons to learn more about it. More details regarding the release of Pylons will be posted first in the community updates.