What is YED and its features?
Your Earth DAO (YED) is a new web service that runs on the Acent mainnet’s base layer and is intended to be the ideal form of an immersive gamified web. This life service platform utilizes the Acent Web 3.0 (Osiris Web 3.0) browser desktop application interface technology and is capable of in-house application publishing, launching, and management services through integration with its DAPPX service. The best way to visualize this concept is to imagine a blockchain-based “Steam” – the popular online gaming platform.
With DAPPX support, YED makes it possible for businesses and high-performance applications to be published and built within, but not limited to, a public meta-space that is shown in real-time on a 1:1 scale of our planet. By compensating users based on the amount of traffic they attract, new jobs and economies are created using Acent as the base currency. YED envisioned a web service modeled after the Ready-Player-One style that is built with utility NFTs and inspires people to build their own businesses. Recognize that the emergence of a new breed of consumers seeking instant emotional gratification via brief compelling visual cues, as well as the evolution of AV/VR technologies, necessitates a much more exciting and innovative way of experiencing the web in order to propel internet consumer markets forward.
Due to technical limitations, the current metaverse products do not provide a compelling consumer experience. Thus far, these products offer little more than walking around and playing microgames or small-scale activities allowed by centralized developer teams. The goal of YED is to change that dynamic. It is capable of allowing anyone to create, submit, and publish what we call “meta-apps.” Full-scale applications within the YED, such as high-end games, CDN (Content Delivery Network), defi applications, or social media platforms, are made possible by Acent’s unique architecture, which enables third-party developers to publish Acent meta-apps using sophisticated tools such as Unity and Unreal Engine rather than non-open-source centralized mini-game developer tools with limited expressive capabilities.
Therefore, developers in YED can create their own versions of P2E Starcraft or MOBA for public consumption within the metaverse. The first live showcase demonstration of what you can do with the Acent blockchain is the COBA or Crypto Online Battle Arena. It is a play-to-earn app like the popular League of Legends game that will be fully rendered inside the virtual YED service. COBA has been developed using the same tools a third-party developer would use to deploy their meta-apps on the metaweb.
The Acent team is excited to share more information about the businesses and products that users will be able to create in the near future. COBA is a fantastic example of how the Acent blockchain defines a scalable metaverse service. Acent envisions a meta-space where people can express their creative potential to the fullest without being hampered by outdated architecture. In this regard, any developer can now join the alpha Acent developer program and start developing meta-applications with Unity and Unreal Engine. They can start submitting their play-to-earn products to be propagated in the YED without dealing with a simple line of code for smart contract interaction. The unique Acent crypto engine interface handles all the heavy lifting that is required to interact with the blockchain. More on this topic is shared within our developer documentation section of the YED website.
The succeeding sections present each of the unique features of YED, the Decentralized Gamified Web from Acent Blockchain technology.