Summary and Conclusion
Acent is an attractive blockchain platform for mass adoption of high-performance applications optimized for freedom of expression for businesses and new emerging alternative economies on metaverse-based internet services. It is a unique tool for people who want to build visually stunning blockchain applications and launch them in a public meta-space that is as large as the actual size of the planet or more.
Acent blockchain is dedicated to improving the blockchain ecosystem by making Your Earth DAO as the foundational parallel reality web service for meta-application deployment. It aims to solve known problems and implement the following improvements:
- Acent is 100% compatible with Ethereum developer environment tools – All Ethereum DApps can be migrated as-is into the Acent ecosystem. DApps such as Cryptokitties or Uniswap can easily be migrated or be created with their own deployment version on the Acent blockchain.
- Acent fosters blockchain mass adoption by lowering the financial entry barrier – Users can enjoy earning through farming or harvesting transaction fees collected on the Acent chain and distributed through the Acent Substance Accumulation Pool (ASAP).
- Acent fosters blockchain mass adoption by lowering the technical entry barrier – Users may receive network node hosting fees by handling complex procedures through the browser-metawallet integration.
- Acent resolves the Ethereum gas fee issue – Ethereum gas prices are too high, but since Acent is built on its own Layer 1 technology, Nitro gas will remain cheap and within a reasonable value.
- Acent alleviates scalability issues – Acent mainnet maintains a practical higher number of transactions per second (TPS) at around 1,000 TPS compared to the Ethereum chain (version 1.0).
Your Earth DAO is the technical field demonstration of what the Acent blockchain is currently doing. Acent aims to become the trendsetter in the area of parallel reality simulated metaverse applications deployment for industrial-grade products.
YED tokenomics is also fortified with realistic user and business revenue models to serve as a benchmark among other metaverse tokenomics. ACE as the in-game currency will serve as the main tool to operationalize the businesses, services, and transactions inside the YED. It is also through which incentives and monetization will be made possible.
Alongside ACE is the EDAO token, which is considered a catalyst for unlocking the creative potential of meta-citizens on the YED platform and encouraging them to engage in crucial YED ecosystem decisions. The EDAO token will play a key role in revolutionizing how governance tokens are utilized as it compensates its holders not only for participating in the DAO decision-making process but also for ensuring that their land spot is constantly growing and advancing.
The developers behind Acent envision big changes in the way people experience web services. They are confident in the unique value proposition and hard-to-replicate technology that they are building. The creative architecture of Acent technology is designed to set new standards of quality for immersive decentralized internet services and drive the waves of change where lucrative compensation and freedom of expression can coexist for the benefit of all.