Acent as a Layer 1 Blockchain Solution for Immersive Web

The steady increase in metaverse users is expected to cause network congestion, eventually leading to higher transaction fees. Most blockchain metaverse platforms have been built directly on top of the Ethereum blockchain, which is already a fully-loaded network. As a result, architectural limitations such as scalability issues, high transaction fees, and delays in processing basic transactions have been a major challenge for them.
Building the metaverse on the Ethereum mainnet (Layer 1) would most likely address security but not scalability due to its low throughput of only 17 transactions per second (TPS), potentially resulting in extremely high gas fees.
As a result, a new solution to run the Your Earth DAO metaverse was proposed: a first-layer protocol built on the Acent blockchain that would address all inefficiencies in existing metaverses.
Acent blockchain scaling solution is launching Your Earth DAO as the first of many other simulated parallel reality web services that will give users a compelling blockchain user experience.
The Acent blockchain technology will provide the following capabilities to the Your Earth DAO metaverse:
- Full compatibility with decentralized applications from other chains— this allows users and developers to import Ethereum-based decentralized applications (dApps) into the Your Earth DAO metaverse. Users will be able to create their own NFTs and deploy them on the metaverse platform without having to change their development environment to deploy their decentralized applications to the Your Earth DAO metaverse.
- Lower fees — Because Nitro fees of Acent, which are similar to gas fees in Ethereum, are relatively inexpensive in Layer 1 solutions, users can enjoy value exchanges of their digital assets and NFTs as frequently as they want without the financial burden.
- Fewer validators equate to faster transactions — Acent’s unique Proof of Staked Authority (POSA) consensus mechanism validates the chain coming in the blocks with only a few validators. As a result, it will not only have lower transaction fees, but it will also have one of the most stable and fastest Layer 1 solutions on the market.
- Reduces scalability issues — With zero transaction fees, the Acent blockchain will be able to process NFT and crypto exchanges at a higher but stable 400–500 on-chain transactions per second (TPS) and 300,000 digital transactions per second (DTPS). This is faster than the Ethereum chain, with an average of only 17 TPS.
- Promotes Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) — DAO is a Layer 1 feature of the Acent blockchain technology that allows Your Earth DAO users to vote on issues (big or small) that may affect or improve the platform’s governance.
Protects NFT digital assets from hacks — there are three main reasons why the system is highly protected: i) Acent Mainnet is deployed on high availability, high-performance network that is a financial certified server; 2) it has two-layer, end-to-end service protection for Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks; and 3) all web servers are protected by Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) which means it uses encryption algorithms to scramble data in transit, preventing hackers from reading it as it is sent over the connection.