Acent Meta Browser (Osiris Web 3.0)
Acent Web 3.0 browser (formerly Osiris Web 3.0 browser) is the third most popular Web 3.0 blockchain browser after Brave and Opera and the first-ever metaweb browser. It has been renamed the Acent Meta browser to reflect the data security and meta web rendering enhancements necessary to deliver a fully parallel reality web service. A large number of applications that support the Acent Mainnet are provided through the Acent meta browser. This includes the optimized dApp marketplace with Steam-like application management and launchpad capabilities, as well as Metawallet, the user authentication method, and blockchain asset vault.
As a metaweb operating system launcher and navigator, the Acent Meta browser (Osiris Web 3.0) plays a crucial role in meta-application ecosystems as it is being redesigned to accommodate the specifications required for metaweb services. We are pleased that we may be able to release the alpha version of this sooner than the community had anticipated in order to establish a benchmark for how a metaweb environment should appear, sound, and feel. It is the fundamental tool for exploring the decentralized immersive web.

In addition to metaweb application rendering, the Acent Web 3.0 (Osiris Web 3.0) browser has enhanced traditional web features such as a built-in armor that automatically blocks intrusive advertisements, blocks third-party cookies that profit from your private data, and has a Device Identity Protection feature that protects users from identity theft, including data or password monitoring. These enhancements have made browsing the web three to seven times faster, made it easier to stay anonymous, and made security stronger.
The Acent Web 3.0 (Osiris Web 3.0) browser has been included as one of the top 10 browsers for cryptocurrency in 2022 by Rigorous Themes and the top 5 browsers for 2022 by Browsers to Use.